The Talking Twilight convention in Portland, Oregon this summer has just announced that IKEA Portland has become a special part of their planned events.
The convention, which takes place from August 28th to August 30th, benefits the Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland and will be attended by Peter Facinelli, Edi Gathegi, Alex Meraz, Christian Serratos, Gil Birmingham, Ayanna Berkshire, and Robert Pattinson's stunt double Logan Welch.
As noted before, the convention hosted a nationwide blood drive with the promise of a free ticket auction for participants.
The news has just broken, however, that the chance to a win a free ticket has not yet ended.According to a recent press release by TT,
IKEA Portland is hosting an event with TalkingTwilight.com on August 22nd to celebrate the phenomenon we call Twilight. They will also help us give away T-shirts and a pair of tickets to the three day event which benefits Doernbecher’s Children's hospital. IKEA will be donating a replica set up of Edwards room from the movie to the event which will be autographed by attending actors at the event and then auctioned off for Doernbecher's Children's Hospital.
With over 42 million books in the Twilight series of four books by Stephenie Meyers sold and over $177 million in tickets sold domestically for the first movie in the series (the eighth highest-growing movie of the year), the website talkingtwilight.com announces the first annual Twilight convention at the Holiday Inn Convention center near the Portland airport August 28th – August 30th, 2009.
This three-day celebration of all things Twilight includes visits by many of the movie’s actors—including Peter Facinelli, Edi Gathegi, Gil Birmingham, Alex Moraz, Christian Serratos, local actress Ayanna Berkshire, and Rob Pattinson’s body and photo double, Logan Welch!
The convention offers an opportunity to meet with the actors for questions, autographs and photos, tours of local filming locations, concerts by various Twilight-related bands, a charity breakfast with the actors and a re-creation of the prom scene from the movie. Peter, Edi, Gil and Alex have all agreed to be auctioned off to dance with one lucky fan each at the prom! Plus, attendees can enter to win a chance to enjoy breakfast on Sunday with one of the actors in attendance.
Also offered will be acting-related sessions, classes related to the writing and the history of vampires, improv classes as well as trivia games, vendor tables and other activities still being developed. The beneficiary of proceeds from the convention will be Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, which will be given a check based on net results following the event.
Tickets begin at $260 for the three-day event, and can be purchased on line at www.talkingtwilight.com. So please come join us in the store to experience all of the cool things IKEA and enter to win.