Kristen Stewart is itching to get her baby bump on—as her Twilight heroine Bella, of course!
During today's New Moon panel discussion at Comic-Con, K.Stew was asked which aspect of the upcoming films she was most looking forward to. "Uh, I can't wait to get pregnant," she said, giggling.
In on the joke, costar Robert Pattinson added, "I can't wait to perform the cesarean!" The screeching 6,000-person crowd, of course, caught the reference to the gruesome birth that takes place in Breaking Dawn—which is still three movies away!
But the panel wasn't all about vampire spawn. Costar/werewolf Taylor Lautner, director Chris Weitz and Ashley Greene joined the fun, too, as lots of New Moon footage hit the screen. And R.Pattz admitted to being a "pussy."
Here are the juiciest bits:
• The first clip they showed was of Bella riding werewolf Jacob's motorcycle. When Bella straddles the bike and revs the engine she see flashes of Edward Cullen (who doesn't picture R.Pattz when excited?!). Bella loses control of the bike, falls and bangs her head. (Delicious) blood pours down her face; Lautner takes the opportunity to remove his shirt and sop it up. Lots. Of. Sopping.
• When asked if he would consider doing comedic roles, Rob responded that he's open to the idea. "Why not? One of my legs is shorter than the other so I can look like an idiot, but I'm not sure if I can be witty."
• Did you know that Rob loves to play music? When a fan asked if he would ever do an open-mic night, Rob said that he doubted whether he would, because he's "too much of a pussy." Hey-o! The mouth on that kid!
• Weitz told the crowd that the production crew watches fan reaction videos to the New Moon trailer in order to keep them cheery! The cast and crew have discussed making a reaction video to fan reaction videos.
• On to the next clip! Bella is in Italy! In slow motion she runs through a thick crowd of red-cloaked men. In a doorway is Edward. He begins to unbutton his shirt, SLOWLY exposing eight of his tightly packed and pale muscles. As his foot moves steadily towards the sunlight, Bella screams: "Nooooo!" THEN CUT TO BLACK!
And the video: