Sunday, June 7, 2009

John Mayer is Feeling His Age

That sound you're hearing? The "creak... creak... creak..."? It's either ol' white-haired John Mayer's rocker slowly going to and fro up on his porch or perhaps his 31-year-old hip cracking. Since the ancient singer hasn't seen Twilight, and doesn't know who Robert Pattinson is, he feels out of the loop, and apparently, old (cue the world's tiniest violin).

"I've never seen Twilight, but it seems as if there are 90 lead actors I don't know in this film? Tug Tillis, Boan Joaner, Jared Vorak... Kelly Loargaarten, Keith Wells, Elizabeth Henley-Harrison, Erik McMcinson, Kyle Froam, Tiffany Grunch," he writes on his Twitter page.

Full article