Friday, October 16, 2009

Now That the New Moon Soundtrack is Here, Bring on the Eclipse Soundtrack Rumours

You've barely had enough time to listen to the entirety of the New Moon soundtrack -- never mind learning the music for "The Meadow" in time for your piano recital -- and already we're on to reporting rumours about what songs will appear on the soundtrack to Eclipse.

You can blame/thank Muse for that, Twi-hards, as the British rockers (a.k.a. Stephenie Meyer's favourite-est band ever) told MTV that there's an excellent chance they'll supply a tune for the third Twilight installment.

"It's great to have the feeling of being a new band again in so many people's eyes or minds," said the band's drummer Dominic Howard, while talking about the benefits of finding Muse is one of those vampire bands the kids like. "We might even do something for the third one," he hinted. "How about that for a scoop?"

Of course, Eclipse isn't due out in theatres until June 30, 2010 at least, so we'll just have to keep up the wild, rumour-mongering stories until anything more concrete is determined. Still, as Howard himself points out, Muse has some killer connections on the third film, never mind their solid rep from the songs they supplied for the first two Twilight soundtracks.

We all know author Meyer counts herself a fan. Same goes, it turns out, for Eclipse's director, David Slade.

"[Slade is] kind of a friend of ours 'cause he directed about three or four of our videos for the second album, and he's a really great video director," he told MTV. "I know he did that really great kind of sick horror [film 30 Days of Night] which was a bit of a vampire/zombie vibe, wasn't it? So I think he's a great director, and he's quite a funny character as well. So, yeah, we might do something for him as well."

Until then, keep on familiarizing yourself with Muse's contribution to the New Moon soundtrack, "I Belong to You." We've got it streaming -- along with a preview of the album's 14 other tracks -- right here. You're welcome.
